Water management and urinal treatment are vital to ensuring a pleasant washroom experience for your staff and visitors.
Whether you need to update your water management system to ensure your washrooms are cost-effective and eco-friendly or require urinal treatment solutions to combat odours, NWR can help.
Water Management Systems
Our water management system has been developed to provide the ultimate control methods for washroom water consumption.
With an internal real-time clock to programme flush times to your site requirements, our system provides the best balance of hygiene for your building and cost-effectiveness for your business.

Urinal Mats and Screens
It’s important that you provide consistently clean and fresh washrooms in your building, and this includes ensuring urinals are fit for use at all times.
The Hygiene Zest product provides a powerful, long-lasting, 60-day solution that fits urinals of all shapes and sizes. The screen’s bubble and bristle design helps to prevent drain blockages and combats urinal odours with a variety of fresh fragrances.
Alternatively, our Hygiene Zing urinal mat keeps drains free-flowing and keeps washrooms smelling fresh for up to 30 days.

Washroom Air Fresheners
To maximise the cleanliness of your washrooms, we developed our Hygiene Sense System to help ensure odours are eliminated and every washroom visit is comfortable.
This product can be set to dispense between 8, 12, 16, and 24 hours and can be refilled with fragranced or unfragranced biological and chemical formats depending on your desired washroom environment.

Get your completely free, no-obligation quote today
Get in touch and find out how we can deliver a flexible, discreet and professional hygiene solution for your business.